April 7, 2009

When oh when can I finally be done?

I just don't understand some teachers, if the class ends at a specified time then the darn class ends at that time, not when your finished talking about yourself! This one teacher I have, has no respect for her students and even though many of us in the class I'm sure have classes way across campus that takes a full 15 minutes to get to, she continues to discuss herself and her life till we're are all about absolutely red in the face. She drives me nuts! I have another teacher that tells the class he doesn't care if we're graduating this Spring, he will fail us...thanks Professor Helpful! I just don't understand most of the professors at this university, if we are the ones paying thier salaries, you would think they would put a little more input into their teaching and actually want to help students and actually care about them not being late to other classes! This semester makes me not want to go to any of my classes because most, not all, but most of my teachers make me sick with disgust at their disregard for students. Is it a rule that once you've spent half your life teaching that all your values as an educator just fly out the door?! I have learned that in the past almost 8 semesters I have spent at this university that no one cares about you...no one, you alone have to fend for yourself even as a very confused and scared freshman your professors and other faculty will not even do so much as point the way of the right direction (and I mean that loosely). I have had to rely on the help of my older sorority sisters and elder classmates for tips and such. My advisor, oh lord don't even get me started on that man...every single question I had for him he had to call someone else to ask. When it came time for scheduling, he did not know what classes required prerequistes or not so I ended up begging another teacher to allow me into a class that required a prereq just so that degree plan would not get more off track! Easy to say, I am ready to leave this university and seriously doubt I will miss many of the faculty I have met along the way.

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