April 8, 2009

Trouble vs. Bella

We got Bella (a standard poodle) when she was about 7 weeks old this past November. At first, Trouble was not interested in her and wanted nothing to do with her no matter how hard we tried to get the two used to each other. Even as a standard poodle 7 week old puppy, my cat was still larger that Bella...which he probably should not of been. For a while he was still the dominant animal in the house as Bella was still getting used to her new home and still small and weak. As she begin to shoot up like a tree and became very energetic, she more and more wanted to play with 'fatty' (this is my mom's new name for Trouble) and he was still not interested and only hissed at her. We thought that somehow the two would eventually learn to like each other...we thought wrong. Trouble growls and paws when Bella comes near, she only wants to play, she's still a puppy. He is so funny though and seems to taunt the fact that when she's in her pen he can freely walk around the house and sit with us at the table which obviously drives her nuts as she barks histerically when he does this. When she is not in the kennel, they are fine but just keep their distances...Bella tries to approach him and always get the front of his good paw right in the nose! Oh well, I guess when your a spoiled fat cat set in your ways, your going to still be king of the castle.

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