March 15, 2009

China Anyone?

I recently received an email from an old president of SGA here at ULL saying how Obama is trying to include new laws for abortion in a new package that he is currently trying to get legislature to pass. If what I read was true, I might as well move to China because they may be better off than we will be. The email stated that Obama was trying to pass laws to make families smaller with less children (like China). But unlike China, he is trying to pass a law to make it an abortion mandatory for fetuses that have Down Syndrome. Unbelievable! I also understand that such states as Texas, Louisiana, and Alaska (thanks Sarah Palin) are against Obama and are challenging this law to be passed. He is going to turn this country into a Socialist nation...I don't understand what he is thinking but I know I am thinking what are all of his supporters saying now? Those who voted for him, do they believe in him now? A man who doesn't want Down Syndrome children to live, why? Why Obama, why do you believe this is just and moral? As an free American citizen I choose not to live in a nation where our leader believes in such things, I choose not to be Socialists, this is not China after all...but would be better off living there?

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